
Roogoja clematis and grapes farm is located in Estonia Harjumaa, Kose county, village Karla. From Tallinn it is about 25 minutes car ride away.

There are four horticulture farms operating in the village. Each farm has its own plant nursery, which complement each other and provide the visitors an opportunity to see and buy many different plants. Click here for more information.

The best time to see the clematis collection garden is from 20th July to 20th August. We are selling plants from 15th April to 30th September. Since we are often selling our plants on fairs, please call us before visiting us, to make sure we are home.

Visiting fee for collection garden is – 5 euro/person, children are free. You can pay only with cash!


Taavi Kivistik

Taavi Kivistik
+372 56654018

Agnes Kivistik

Agnes Kivistik
+372 56651628